Friday, April 10, 2015

Atria Finland - The importance of barbecue season?

In the latest Annual Report, Atria Plc shows a lot of interesting information about the company’s markets.  Let’s look very briefly at one set of info, barbecue season figures.  

Nielsen stats in the report tell that in the summer of 2014 (June, July and August), the value of the barbecue product market in Finland was about Eur 170 million.  My big problem is of course that I don’t know if this is in terms of consumer prices, or if it is with or without VAT. However, according to the same stats, Finns purchased 31 million kilos of barbecue products during the summer period.  Just taking these figures as they are, it’s a trivial operation to calculate the mean price per kg, which appears to be about Eur 5.50.  So, perhaps they are in terms of consumer prices without VAT.  Moreover, the same stats tell that Atria Finland’s market share in summer 2014 in barbecue products overall was 31.7%.  Again, a naïve calculation gives roughly Eur 54 million, Atria Finland’s share of the above mentioned barbecue product market.  The report says that the market share figure only includes Atria-branded products and private label products made by Atria are not included.  Perhaps some Eur 10 to 15 million should be added.  Then, Atria’s share of barbecue product market could be about Eur 60 to 70 million.  Assuming that figures really are in terms of consumer prices, one must conclude, that barbecue products don’t add to Atria Finland’s net sales but a few ten million euros.

Consequently, one can conclude, that in terms of net sales, barbecue season is not that important.  Namely Atria Finland’s net sales by quarter from first to last in 2014 in million euros were roughly 220, 250, 240, and 240.  Also these values as such tell that barbecue products increase sales only slightly.  Perhaps demand mostly shifts from other product categories.

We will look at Atria again later but on Friday, April 24th we are going to look at HKScan’s businesses.  Practicality is practical.

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